Thursday, 31 May 2012

The chicken proof veg garden.

I forgot to add that we've also 'chicken proofed' the veg garden by putting up a new fence, so keeping the chickabods out !

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Lessons learnt , chicken Fort Knox !

After our little loss the other night we were still both very sad but knew that for the chicken part of our garden to be a success we had to look after our ladies a little better and think smart,think chicken safe !

 The week of late turns and the one weekend of late turns in our five week shift cycle were the days that we had to contend with as the 'real' problem days. We now knew that any chickens left chucking about at dusk would end up as fox food , but unless we could find a chicken minder for those shifts we had a problem on our hands.

The MK1 chicken run just wasn t going to be big enough.....oh yes I forgot to mention, in memory of Bella we have aquired two more ladies in her place. So now we have a small flock of four birds. The original two of Babs and Frankie have now been joined by Patsy( named after Patsy Palmer as she is also a ginger bird ) and Dolly (who is a light coloured beautifully marked lady with a striking chest hence Dolly Parton ! )

So..... we knew  that the coop was big enough but the actual run would be a struggle for four birds, plus we wanted a run that was fox proof and that was big enough to leave the birds locked in there with enough room to chuck about whilst confined to the run on our late turns.

The design was drawn up in my head and the materials sourced. Thankfully the weather turned for the better and so the last three days off were a sweltering three days of chicken run building but also three days of sun tan topping heaven !(and a little burning of my neck and blistering of my office soft hands using hand tools again!)

Here is the run in part and then finished complete with log perch in the corner so the ladies have somewhere to sit and have a day time roost off the ground. The run has a wire skirt sunk a foot or so into the ground and then reinforced with concrete so hopefully it will have to be a very determined fox that digs that far down and the roof is sealed welded mesh too so protection from any climbing or airborn predators.I ve just got to add a perspex covering to give rain protection.

So just the shed to re-coat in the same fence treatment and I think the outbuildings will look rather nice all matching. Plus hopefully our ladies will be safe when we can t be here to watch over them.

The veggies are coming on and I ll put an update on the blog either tomorrow or Thursday when I ve put the last of the plants into the ground .'s busy down on the Cheyne Garth small holding....or as our neighbours calls it on 'Tom and Barbara's' plot.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Sad night...........3 now only 2

Well just as we thought we were getting the hang of this chicken keeping lark we get dealt a sad blow. The chucks were about ready for bed and we were thinking time to go shut the girls away. Kim went out only to come running back in shouting, " Bella's gone !" All that was left was a pile of it looks like a fox was out on the prowl earlier than we expected. Frankie was cowering under a bush clearly shaken from what she had witnessed.

We're both a bit stunned....a helpless feeling really that we let our girls down by not looking after them.
Bella was my favourite as she came to you when you called and liked being handled. Sad now she has gone.

R.I.P. Bella. xxx. 

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Chucks are here and the ground is starting to be planted out now.

A quick update, we took delivery of our chucks this weekend, three lovely brown ladies.The collection and settling in went smoothly. We kept the girls confined to barracks for the first day and then after clipping their wings we let them out to range about on the second. Duke has been great, he has had the odd peck to warn him not to get too close but they are getting used to him more and more as each day goes by.

The veg beds have been netted to keep the little peckers off them, although i did catch Frankie wandering around the young parsnips.
Did I mention the girls names?
Well there is Bella, she is the most confident and has white flecks on her ruff, she is the bird in front in the picture above with Duke sat down. Then there is Babs, she is the nervous one who chases Duke the most and has pale legs compared to the other two (chickens not legs that is !) Then last but not least there is Frankie, she is named after Frankie Knuckles the once famous dj. Frankie has a claw missing on her right foot and it is just a knuckle end....hence Frankie (knuckles).

Anyway enough about the chucks, I ve put a few bits and bobs in the ground now, Rhubard, runner beans, parsnips and a few broad beans.

A few pics of the updated beds.

Even the carrot and Spring onion bed is coming along now.

Thats it for now, the ladies are tucked up in the chuck hutch, hopefully working on making us another trio of eggs, three a day so far bless them.

Ta ta for now.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

1st of May but is it still Winter ?

It's been a while since I updated the blog, we've been busy with things in and outside of the house in the meantime. The only thing holding us up now is the flipping weather. gale force Northerlies and its meant to be Spring !
I 've finally got the chicken house finished today, just in the knickers of time as our three ladies arrive this weekend .At least they will have a nice new home to settle in to and start giving us some nice fresh eggs.
Duke as usual was on hand to model the new chuck house.

The rest of the garden has taken a battering this week, one of the poly-tunnels has been just about destroyed, fortunately I think everything in there is just about ready to face the outside world. I ve got some fleece on standby in case we get a late frost forecast.
Bed 1 has now got Beetroots, Turnips, Garlic, Leeks and Shallots coming along nicely . You can see the way the wind blowing across by how the Garlic and leek are bending over, I ll be putting some very fine mesh on tomorrow to keep the pigeons off and it should act as bit of a windbreak as well.

Bed 2 has now got a partial poly tunnel over it to give the cabbages and cauli's a reasonable start off, another couple of weeks and that will be replaced with some mesh as well. We have lots of wood pigeons visit the garden so I think we'll need some mesh to stand a chance of any crops at all ! (or I'll be buying an air-rifle........Mmmmm pan fried pigeon breast.)

The radishes in Bed 3 are coming along now and the initial chomping by I think mice has stopped now and they seem to be growing on. The Swiss Chard that we sowed next to the radish hasn't really appeared yet so I might re-sow more seed in the same spot and see what happens. The beans haven't been put in yet but they are getting really big in the little plastic greenhouse so they will have to go out soon.
Hopefully another couple of weeks and the real risk of frosts will be past and we can get all the courgettes and the pumpkins in the ground.
The sweetcorn is now in the shed and coming along nicely , also in there now are the sunflowers and just starting to pop their heads up are the marigolds we sowed a week or so ago, but they don't look like gloves yet....time foe them to grow still though.

The carrots that we sowed in the planter have taken a while but they are also now showing together with the first run of spring onions and finally our spuds have started to grow. The only problem with our spuds is that local cat has taken to using the planter bags as a toilet ! It will be having trouble going if I catch it due to a constipated right boot stuck well and truly up its arse ! Till then some cat pepper or similar will be deployed.

That is about it really, next time should see a bit more in the ground, hopefully the lounge decorated and the work on our boat started.....

Exciting albeit busy times in the Kim David and Duke household. Although Duke doesn't seem to stressed by it all as whilst I'm typing this, he is laid against my back dreaming and grinding his teeth against my back...nice !..

Until next time...adios.