The annual judging has taken place this week and guess what ? We only went and won best newcomer, we also marked higher than the best long term half plot but the committee decided to make us best new comers because we didn't enter last year due to not getting the plot early enough.
The hard work early on in the year is starting top pay off now with most of the crops going really mad, plus the wet weather coupled with sunny spells has put mega growth on just about everything.
The only down this week is to discover light on the spuds.......a lot of the plots are suffering with it. We've managed to lift the effected spuds and they are not too bad, certainly good enough for eating now, just not for storing.
Working along the plot from the top end.
In the polytunnel the chilli plants are all now bearing fruits, with the cherry bomb cilli being the one most heavily adorned in fruits up to now.
We lost a tomato plant recently but all the others seem to be doing ok with fruits now forming on the trusses. The beef steak plants are doing really well.
I ve got some herbs coming along in pots inside the polytunnel and also a few other trays of seedlings of parsnips,swedes and chinese cabbages.
I'm going to have to put down some beer traps as slugs have been eating the leaves of one of the pepper plants, I don't want the other plants ravaged by the little slimey critters !
Moving back outside, I ve been trying to make use of the wall space with a few bottle planters of Chinese cabbage, the bottles tied off to some lumps of scrap branches.
The rest of the plot is looking really good with steady growth on everything, even the carrots are coming along........who knows if the carrot flies have been busy , only time will tell there.
Oh and we've added a new plot sign....Bob the whirligig bee (plot 19 Bee !)
So there you go a quick round up of where things are at , still plenty of summer left and then the winter digging to look forward to !
Work tomorrow....Boo ! But we're finishing the hols off with a trip over to Leeds....come on the Rhinos !