It s been some time since the last update , we ve both been busy with the lounge and also with work so little time has been free for the blog.
Anyway the crops are coming along nicely, we ve had a couple of bags of spuds so far from the first earlies. They are superb, really creamy and very very tasty.
The strawberries have been pure heaven and we had our first handful of rhubarb yesterday , put together with the strawberries in a decadent crumble.
A few pics of how things have come along , seems ages since the veg garden was just a patch of grass !
salad leaves pots
The strawberries needed a bit of protection so we knocked up a little frame to keep the birds off and it seems to be doing the job.,
At least we can sit down now so a few hours in the garden at least has some light at the end now we have a lounge back.
So that's about all for now, can t wait for the sweetcorn and garlic to be ready to see if they have been a success.
Adios for now.
Kim David and Duke.......oh and Babs,Patsy,Frankie and Dolly. xxx.