Saturday, 31 May 2014

31/05/14 How things are coming along.

We've had a good few days of rain and heavy showers and the garden has really shown that it needed it, with green appearing everywhere.......mostly weeds though. !

So the last two days have been spent mainly weeding and tidying up the edges of the beds at the allotment.
We've got 125 Leeks planted out now so if they all grow we'll have enought to see us through until next year I hope. they are only small at the moment , but they all seem to be growing now they are in the ground.
The peas and Broad beans are steadily coming along, the pea weevils don't seem as much of a problem now the plants are getting established. I've sown another row of Broad beans from some seeds that I had chitted at home to give them a leg up to grow. I've squeezed them in between the peas. We should definitely have sown the peas thicker than we did.....oh well a lesson learned there for next year.

The Butter beans had started to flop across the ground instead of climbing up the frame, so this morning I 've been tying in some more vertical supports of string and wrapping the beans around the string. That should take care of the beans wandering nature....I hope. 

 The plantings of the variety of courgettes seem to be doing ok, I've given them a dressing of poultry pellets today to see if that helps them come along any quicker. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the round 'Globe' type courgettes do as we've not tried those before. 
At least the cucumbers are getting over the shock of being moved and are showing some new leaf growth, as are the two Spaghetti squash plants. Nothing growing anywhere near the lattice work frame yet though. Maybe the sunshine that is forecast over the next week will help matters.

It looks like moving the onions from bed 2 was the right thing to do, they are starting to swell as bulbs now and have enjoyed me having a thoroughly good set to with the weeding. We've only lost a couple in the move , so I'm quite happy with that.
 Overall the bottom half of the plot is looking a lot better and starting to fill up with crops now.

Over in the little polytunnel:
The Kohl Rabi are looking good, I've got green and purple types coming along in the little polytunnel. I did have the Swedes in there as well but they are looking nearly big enough to plant out so I've brought them home and put them in the cold frame to harden off for a couple of weeks before they go back to the lotty to go in the ground. The Swedes at home that we grew last year did really well, so I hope the soil is up to a good good crop from the allotment.

We had a failure with Spring onions last year and so this year I've followed a clip on Youtube by Quickcrop and sown the Spring onions into moddules in bunches of 8-10 seeds. They are just starting to poke their heads up (if you look closely you can see the little bunches just poking out of the compost).Doing them this way will mean I can plant the module bunch straight into the ground as they come out of the module trays. Then just pull a bunch at a time to eat, as and when we need them. We've got about 40 or so bunches sown and as soon as they go in the ground I'll start a few more, we do eat a lot of salad onions !  
 I was natering to my mate Trev......well actually read that as picking his brains on tomato growing and also scrounging a hoe from him, as I bust mine the other day. He's a good lad is ole Trev. I was asking him about how he keeps the pests off his tomatoes and he said he always grows a few marigolds in the greenhouse with his tomatoes and the green and white fly just seem to stay away when the marigolds are there. If it's good enough for Trev then it will do I popped along to the garden centre and bought a few marigold plants. They are now living happily with our toms.
The tomato plants are growing now, I have been pinching out the side shoots and watering regularly....time will tell if we going to get any fruit on them

The chilli plants are just starting to show some flower buds, that must be a good sign. I m not watering them very much, just keeping the soil on the dry side of moist. All that I ve read says to treat em mean and they will reward you with firey hot plentiful chillies ! I just wish we had started a few more plants off early on this year......another to add to the list of must do's for next year. 

Back at home the veg garden is slowly filling up. We've got lettuces,radishes, including Mooli radish , courgettes, mini butternut squashes and a load of shallots planted out. The shallots are from seed and I'd just about given up on them but they seem to be away now. I reckon it will be late on though when they are ready.
 Buster wasn't bothered what was going on in the veg garden, he was more interested in knocking out a few Zzzz' least he was settled....for once !
 The chickens however were keen to make the most of some rest from the big brown chicken chaser (he was asleep after all !) and so they were wanting to be in the veg garden helping out !
 That's about all really.....some more carrots were sown and some climbing beans to go on the frame at home for a later crop of beans. We're definitely a lot more on top of things than we were last year. I'm finding the allotment a real pleasure now not a chore and we've got crops growing at home as well. It was hard work at first but now we just seem to be keeping on top by doing a little bit often, rather than leaving it and then trying to play catch up.
Our allotment neighbours are struggling this year as all three of them have the weeds getting the better of their plots....mainly down to the same mistakes we made last year, too much rotavating and then too little weeding and not going down there enough. We made that mistake last year. An hour or so a couple of times a week is definitely better than a day every other week !
Roll on a few days sunshine and the next update should show a considerable difference in things at home and the lotty.


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