Saturday, 3 May 2014

That exciting time of year again!

So the days are getting warmer and the weeds bigger so the seasonal reminder that growing mode is upon us arrives .
It's not just the weeds that have been growing though,  the trays of our future crops are coming along nicely.  I just hope that the frosts stop soon, we had a white over ground frost here last night with the car windscreens needing scraping this morning.

Up to now we have Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kale,Sprouts (purple and green varieties), Beetroots, Courgettes,Leeks, French beans,Butter Beans and Broad beans .....oh and some varieties of lettuces in seed trays.

These are the Cabbages,Kale Sprouts  ....oh and Squashes, I forgot about them.( Spaghetti squash and baby butternut squash)

These are some more Sprouts and Cauliflowers , they are ready to be potted on , there are about 10 plants in each pot at the moment.

Then a few Broad beans just starting to show their heads, we've got two full rows direct sown at the allotment, these are to just top up on any that don't germinate. The tray in front are Boltardy Beetroots, just showing the first growth if you look carefully.

 I knocked up a coldframe yesterday and some of the plants are in there ready for hardening off before planting out in a few weeks time.

The Rhubarb forest grows on and on and on !

Kim got her Strawberry bed planted out and covered to warm them up a bit while the frosts are still dropping in occasionally.

Even the Blueberry bushes are showing some growth, we don't know at what point we will see any fruit ....maybe not until next year ?

The beds are all set for planting out, home is going to be mainly salad veg, except the covered bed and that is this year going to be the carrot fly busting bed....we hope anyway !

That's about it really , I ve done some more shed building on the allotment and have three out of the four walls clad now so the shed........or as the other plot holders call it " the pallet palace" is nearly finished.

Trev will be supplying the wine to celebrate the finish of the build ( Trev is the bloke who's taken me under his wing a Dad referred to him as the 'old bloke'......Trev is 76 years young.....hee hee....old bloke says my )

Roll on rest days for the next day on the plot.

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